Thursday, January 29, 2009

With Profound Gratitude

I want to give special thanks to Nap Warden for the outstanding design of the Keep Believing Fund blog. The Keep Believing Fund blog deserved a look that was heartening and inspirational, and now it has that look. Nap Warden is a blog friend of Angie’s and offered her design talents as soon as she heard of the Fund. She also created the button that is now being posted on hundreds of blogs and being linked back to the Fund blog site. If you feel like giving her a thanks, and learning more about this generous lady, you can visit her blog at The Chronicles of a SAHM.

I also want to give a special thanks to LaskiGal, who helped coordinate the Keep Believing Fund makeover and spearheaded getting the word out to so many blogs. I feel uplifted when browsing around on the Internet and I see that button on so many sites. If you want to give her a thanks for her help, and learn more about this bighearted lady, you can visit her blog at From The Cheap Seats.

These ladies represent the type of selfless giving that the lives of Angie and Brian have stirred. Angie and Brian may balk at that, but evidence would prove otherwise.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Hey thanks for letting me know about this new Blog for Brian and Angie. I actually don't even know them! I work with Vicki Newsome and she would always tell me about them. I now find myself logging in every day to see how they are doing! I find myself laughing, crying, and going through all the emotions they do and I never met them. Thanks again for the information.

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